GMAXPractice Success Recipe


Menlo Dental & Medical Consulting provides high level consulting to help you identify your practice vision and goals. Then we drill down to more practical metrics as we assist in getting your team organized, help with daily and weekly logistics, assist with team meetings, provide accountability tracking, streamline new patient flow, and improve patient communication.


Correct office systems lead to excellent increases in profitability. Menlo helps inform staff of best practices for patient education, recall systems, and maximizing opportunity.


Our team will assist your practice in engaging patients in additional treatments. We will even provide you with scripts, so you know exactly what to say to ensure your patients understand the care they need.


Menlo is an expert in soft tissue management programs and teaches Dental & Medical staff how to define, treat, and code correctly for the best patient and practice outcome.


X-rays and exams are on the front end of the diagnostic chain. We provide systems to maximize those opportunities.


Getting your patients to say ‘yes’ is a coordinated team effort. Refining case presentation skills leads to increased case acceptance, which leads to increased practice revenue. Improving the systems in your office will lead to increased team harmony, a better more consistent patient experience, and add to the overall efficiency of your business.


Menlo knows that patients return because of a great Dental & Medical experience, and we can ensure that your office exceeds expectations. We help create dialogues and systems that encourage patients to say ‘yes’ more often and fine-tune the patient experience for maximum retention.


One of the most important parts of a successful Dental & Medical practice is targeted, effective marketing, and Menlo can use its experts to make sure this happens while you focus on patients. We can significantly improve new patient referrals, retention, and reactivation while lowering your acquisition cost.


Dentists can innovate to increase their bottom line. Menlo can help you decide which additional procedures are the right fit for your office


At Menlo, we are especially adept at finding new opportunities within the P&L to maximize your profits. We assist in maximizing your top line and working through other line items to ensure you have a balanced overhead.


Dentists often struggle in creating a tight schedule. Menlo knows how to reduce and fill vacancies and optimize office capacity.


Menlo Dental & Medical Consulting knows Dental & Medical commercial real estate and are experts in finding ways to make sure your physical space is working for you. Many dentists are unaware that real estate is not a fixed cost and that, if managed correctly, it can lead to essential gains. We ensure our clients’ space and contracts fit their needs and reflect their practices.


For dentists nearing retirement, Menlo Dental & Medical Consulting can provide a comprehensive analysis of your current position and offer you strategies and concrete ideas to prepare you for the future.


Technology is becoming increasingly important in dentistry, and Menlo knows which innovations are worth your investment. Let us wade through the options and offer you the tech solutions that most closely fit your business needs.


Dental & Medical practices are often a hot target for dishonestly and embezzlement with nearly 70% of practices dealing with the problem at some point in their lifetime. Menlo can help show you where you are at risk, how to minimize your risk, and what to do if you suspect embezzlement is occuring. We train dentists on the signs to look for, the mindset of a thief, how to implement checks and balances in your practice, and steps to reduce the likelihood of it happening to you. We help you create systems and awareness on the front end so you minimize loss on the backend.